Cell Signaling in Cancer: From Mechanisms to Therapy

2023-08-17 Hits(313)

Since 2016, this conference has brought together investigators focused on basic mechanisms of cancer development, translational research, and early-phase clinical research. This year’s program will focus on genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying tumorigenesis that can be exploited for the development of novel forms of therapy. The sessions will disseminate the most up-to-date knowledge and newest technologies surrounding mechanisms and therapeutic targeting of cancer cell signaling pathways.

This year’s conference will also expose basic and translational scientists and clinicians to the emerging concepts in the cancer cell signaling field and enhance cross-disciplinary interactions between academia, industry, and clinical science. It will also be a prime opportunity for developing the future of the profession by supporting promising early-career researchers in the field.


If you want to leam more about the aricles. please visit:https://web.cvent.com/event/231106eb-b919-4083-8b88-132e78e18a0f/summary