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Special Stains Service


KMD Bioscience can provide a wide range of comprehensive and reliable special stains for sectioned paraffin-embedded tissues or cells to meet customers' experimental needs.

Special stains describe several alternative staining techniques and histochemical procedures used when traditional H&E does not provide all the information a pathologist or researcher needs. Specialty staining techniques demonstrate the presence of tissue structures, cells, microorganisms, deposits, and carbohydrates.

Specialty stains are important tools for many pathologists, which provide strong support for IHC, flow cytometry, in situ hybridization (ISH) and other diagnostic techniques that ultimately characterize patients’ samples. Many specialty stains are useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer and disease, while others can play a key role in the detection and identification of pathogens. Relying on KMD's advanced histology laboratory and excellent scientists and experts with many years of histological practical experience, KMD Bioscience provides a comprehensive range of special stains service with standard protocols.


Stains Offered by KMD Bioscience:


Connective Tissue Stain

Carbohydrate Stain

Nerve Tissue Stain

Cartilage Tissue Stain

Microbial Stain

Sediment Stain

Plant Stain

Cell stain


Connective Tissue Stain:


Masson's Trichrome Stain

Sirius Red Stain

Van Gieson (VG) Stain

Victoria Blue Stain

Verhoeff-Van Gieson (VVG) Stain

Weigert's Elastic Stain

Movat Stain

Reticulin Stain

ATPase Stain



Carbohydrate Stain:


Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS)Stain

Alcian Blue and PAS Stain

Alcian Blue Stain

Periodic Schiff-Methenamine (PASM) Stain


Nerve Tissue Stain:


Silver Impregnation Stain

Nissl Stain

Luxol Fast Blue Stain

Golgi-Cox Stain

Osmic Acid Stain



Cartilage Tissue Stain:


Safranin O-Fast Green Stain

Alcian Blue Stain

Toluidine Blue Stain

Goldner Stain

TRAP Stain

Alkaline Phosphatase Stain


Microbial Stain:


Acid Fast Bacilli Stain

Gram Stain

Periodic Schiff-Methenamine (PASM) Stain

Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) Stain

Methylene Blue Stain



Sediment Stain:


Von kossa Stain

Alizarin Red Stain

Highman's Congo Red Stain

Perls Prossian Blue Stain

Masson Fontana Stain



Plant Stain:


Safranin O-Fast Green (plant) Stain

Triphenyltetrazolium Chloride (TTC) Stain

Aniline Blue Stain

I2KI Stain

PAS-Naphthol Yellow S Stain

Phloroglucinol Stain


Cell stain:



β-galactosidase Stain

Giemsa Stain

Azure A Stain



Other Stain:


Feulgen Stain

Oil Red O Stain


How to Order?



If you have any questions regarding our services or products, please feel free to contact us by E-mail: [email protected] or Tel: +86-400-621-6806.